says Pim
This year, Menu for Hope raised $91,188.00. It's a 50% increase from the total of last year. That's just mind-blowing, isn't it?
Our campaign couldn't exist at all without the help of my food blogging friends from around the world. This community has what made the campaign what it is today. Thank you so much everyone, you deserve a big round of applause!
A Big Huge Round of Applause, please! Thanks to all of you who donated, contributed in kind, spread the word and cheered the effort. None of this would have been possible without any of you. Thank you!

And, deep bow of recognition to all the regional hosts, especially Kalyn, who was the regional host for the US Central region.
UC12 - Grains, Greens, and Grated Coconuts, Recipes and Remembrances of a Vegetarian Legacy by Ammini Ramachandran from Indian Food Rocks

And the winner is...CL Boileau! Congratulations!
UC13 - Handmade bead necklace and matching earrings from Indian Food Rocks

And the winner is...Gayathri Venkitachalam! Congratulations!
The winners will receive an e-mail from Pim shortly to confirm this.
Please write to me at polarmate at gmail dot com with your mailing address so that I can make arrangements to mail your prizes to you at the earliest.
Winners of prizes offered by bloggers from the US Central region are available at Kalyn's Kitchen.
A complete list of winners is available at Chez Pim.

I was thrilled when Meeta invited me to write for The Daily Tiffin a couple of months ago. I will be writing a monthly column on a topic close to my heart, Parenting. My articles will focus on parenting an immigrant child, resources for gifted children, resources for parents of gifted children, girl cliques and a bunch of other stuff that is based on on my experience as an immigrant parent in the US.
I posted my first column for the month of January today: Girls Are Mean. So drop by and let me know what you think!
Manisha, returning from a visit to Daily Tiffin a fantasitic article and one that taught me a whole lot. Hugs to Medha and to the mom you did a great job.
Just a couple of days ago we watched this documentaty picked from our local library It's a Girls World about social bullying among 10 year olds. Watch it if you do find time.
Yay! That sounds really great! Here's to the power of blogging! Congratulations to the winners too!
It is a great topic that you've chosen to blog about at Daily Tiffin. I look forward to reading the posts (goes to check out the post).
That was a great piece of research and writing published at DT. It cannot be easy to deal with this aspect of school in addition to being the 'odd one' in many ways... Kudos to you and D for being the great parents that you are. And to Medha for dealing so maturely with the issue. I am yet to fully internalize "you cannot change or control other kids' (or adults', for that matter) behavior but...can control her own responses." I remind myself about this everyday and yet here is this 9 year old who acts on it!
And congratulations to the winners of the prizes. Well done, folks.
You've written a lovely piece at DT. I was wondering where I fitted in as kid...the accepted one probably! Will keep that for future when I have kids. Well researched article, Manisha!
fantastic aricle..well researched, well-wriiten and a very useful post...awaiting more such posts from you..
fantastic article manisha. just read it on DT. i was left wondering which catagory i belonged to :)
last month when i was in india i couldn't help but notice my niece complaining abt bullying in her class and she is just 3 and half years old!!! well, atleast it was not the case for me while growing up. wonderful article manisha. i have sent the link to some of my cousins and friends.
Congratulations to winners !
menu fo rhope is doing great indeed !
Happy Sankranti to you and your family Manisha. WIll now go and check your post "Girls are Mean", . why calling girls mean ??? :(
Hey there, Ms. Busy ... whatcha cookin'?
haven't seen a post from you in a while manisha... hope things are going well!
Yeah, whazzup? ;-) (Am I buggin' you? I meant to!)
Sorry for the non-response. I am just a little overwhelmed with a myriad things - many of which were unforeseen, some of which I took on, others I could do without.
congratulations. there's something for you at jugalbandi.
Manisha - Dropped by to say Congratulations on winning awards at CLICK:Liquid event. The 'Tsunami in the Martini' pic created a literal tsunami and sweeped thru most of the awards.. Am so happy for you.
Take care,
Congratulations on the *CLICK* win. That was truly a spectacular shot!
Congrats! on the click win.
Not surprising... it was clearly the best entry.
Manisha, thanks for all your 'pickling' advice! My batch didn't turn out too bad after all!
Manisha Congratulations on winning Click!
Good to read you are enjoying the new workout routine. I admire people who make time for it. I am not able to do that, yet I have changed the way I eat since last month and I am motivated enough to continue with the plan. It looks like a long lasting solution unlike a reduction diet I used to follow. I will post about it soon.
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