My Fave Building in the World

Four years ago, I asked to be driven 100 miles north of our home in Chicagoland to see my favorite building in this entire world, as a birthday gift. It did not disappoint. It was even more magnificent than its pictures suggest.

Milwaukee Art Museum

Burke Brise Soleil

There is more to this pic than a wider angle of the previous pic.

Yes, it moves.

It's the Quadracci Pavilion, part of the Milwaukee Art Museum, designed by Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. It is a building that flaps its wings. Literally so.
Unprecedented in American architecture, the Burke Brise Soleil is a moveable, wing-like sunscreen that rests on top of the Museum’s vaulted, glass-enclosed Windhover Hall. The "wings" open Tuesday–Sunday at 10 a.m. with the Museum, close/reopen at noon, and close again with the Museum at 5 p.m.; except on Thursdays when the Museum closes at 8 p.m.

Opening wing span

It's quite an experience to watch the building move. I saw the Burke Brise Soleil open at 10 a.m., flap at noon and close for the day at 5 p.m. It was a dream come true.

Poised like a bird about to take flight, on the shores of Lake Michigan. And a copycat.

Like a symmetric symphony...

...from the inside as well as the outside

The Windhover Hall

An architectural marvel

A few more pictures from my collection can be seen here.

The Museum itself is like any other small museum. We just missed a traveling Renoir show and the permanents exhibits are fine museum pieces. It's just that the building enthralled much more than anything that was inside at the time.


Miri said...

Wow!! thanks for that education - never knew of such a piece of art. how apt that it will house treasures inside. Beautiful!


Frantasticfood said...

Wow! I had no idea this building existed. Thank you for sharing. What a work of beauty. I would love to see it one day.

It reminds me (in mechanics only) of the Tulip in Buenos Aires. When I lived there I was taken by the metal flower's ability to open at daybreak and close at sundown. When I got close enough to it I saw the photovoltaic "staymen" in the center that "read" the light and it amazed me that an artist created such a great piece of "living" sculpture.

People are amazing.

Anita said...

The problem with a building like that is it gets more eyeballs than the treasures it is designed to house! But if you get Calatrava to do it, it is a foregone conclusion! I have seen a lot of pictures of this building from the inside with...bare walls! :)

Deepika said...

Thanks for sharing this, Manisha. I never knew such a building existed. It's now on my need-to-visit list.

By the way, you're mistaken about the Fat 9 written on the label. That was just general information about metabolism. What they meant to say was that in general, and not specific to this product, 1 gram of fat gives 9 calories, 1 gram of carbohydrate gives 4 calories and same with the protein.

But as for the rest of the things -- adding sugar and then denying it, absence of vitamins, etc -- that's quite weird, as you mentioned.

Vicki said...

Wow, I spent 22 years in Chicagoland, and never new about the Milwaukee Museum. I feel a little sad now.

Indian Food Rocks said...

Miri, indeed!

Fran, I can only imagine how beautiful the Tulip must be! From what I have read about the Burke Brise Soleil, it has sensors on its fins that automatically close it when winds exceed 23mph. And the whole thing works to provide shade during hot summer months and to let some of the sun's radiance heat the place in winter. Fabulous!

Anita, the walls are bare because the museum is really below this structure. The basement like area is musty and moldy! Perhaps the exhibits are there so that the light does not affect them? We couldn't wait to walk out of there!

There are some sculptures set along the corridors of the QP but that is it. It is intended for temporary exhibits. There is a meeting/reception hall, an auditorium, a small restaurant, museum store, and an equally amazing garage. So not much on these walls - which are mainly glass anyway.

Deepika, I need to update that post. I misread the label as it was not complete. See here.

Vicki, the Quadracci Pavilion was completed only in 2001. I first found out when I got a brochure about Wisconsin with gorgeous night-time pics. You can always see it the next time you visit. I would love to go back - with a better camera!

Desisoccermom said...

I know what I want for my next b'day present. Thank you for the inspiration.

musical said...

Wow! Beyond words!!

Pelicano said...

Hmmm...that's in Milwaukee? the things ya learn... :-)

Unknown said...

WOW! I could kick myself for not stopping by. We passed it by just last month on our visit but was too interested in the wedding photography taking place in front. We were in the car, and my daughter wanted to stop and visit but had no takers among our non-artsy hosts. We walked around the pier at the back though. Tough..that was a true miss. Thanks for enlightening us though. Ange

Anonymous said...

.. we chanced upon this place - and lingered for a long time. there is something serene - calming effect - quiet - saw the opening of the wings. i think i enjoyed the building more than what was kept inside.